Ayady is an Australian independent non-for-profit community organisation working to provide medical equipment to individuals with physical disability.

How many scooters have we delivered to date!

2014: 45 Scooters
2015: 86 Scooters
2016: 164 Scooters
2017: 180 Scooters
2018: 170 Scooters
2019: 100 scooters
2019: 100 scooters
2020: 100 scooters
2021: 165 scooters
2022: 75 scooters
2022: 50 scooters - 80 Electric Wheelchair Scooters
2023: 75 scooters
2023: 40 scooters - 110 Electric Wheelchair Scooters
2023: 40 scooters - 120 Electric Wheelchair Scooters
2024: 100 scooters - 30 Electric Wheelchair Scooters

Our Mission

To inspire and empower individuals with physical disability in disadvantaged communities in Iraq and Australia.

Our Vision

To become a leading organisation specializing in donating mobility equipment for disadvantaged individuals with physical disability in Iraq and Australia.

AYADY is a community based non for profit organisation that seeks:
  • advancing the health of people with physical disability and their families in Australia and Iraq, by alleviating their suffering through the donation of mobility equipment such as electric scooters, wheelchairs, frames, hospital beds and electric wheelchairs.
  • advancing social welfare by relieving the distress and disadvantage of individuals and families of disabled members. Members with a disability represent a burden on the whole family who cannot afford a mobility equipment.
  • advancing positive community support by promoting the morals of giving generously to people with special needs within the Australian community in general and the local Iraqi community in particular.
  • contributing and promoting Australian image in helping people in disadvantaged communities around the world in particular in Iraq and in supporting victims of war and terrorism.

Our Scooter Activity

in 5 steps:

Donations Collection

Step 1

Scooter Purchase and Storage

Step 2

Scooter Shipping

Step 3

Scooter Allocation

Step 4

Follow up, Repair and Maintenance

Step 5

Social, mental and physical positive impact of Ayady’s work on beneficiaries’ health and wellbeing

Ayady’s team in Iraq have monitored the social impact of their work for the client group they served. The social, mental and physical benefits for the recipients of Ayady’s electric scooters are in fact immeasurable, and this was demonstrated by feedback messages from beneficiaries.

There are several stories which have been documented which clearly indicated that Ayady’s work in Iraq have transformed the lives of many of the recipients of the electronic scooters from totally dependent persons to become independent productive individuals.

For many of the recipients having a scooter have enabled them to break the cycle of their social isolation that they have experienced as a result of their injuries and to become active participants in their local communities. Many of the recipients have become more connected with who is important in their daily lives than before.

As one recipient indicated “having a scooter has enabled me to share a meal with my family and to go out to have a coffee with my friend in the local café’, something I missed for a long time.

Another recipient indicated that “I can now go outside my house to have a chat with my neighbour and to go to watch a local soccer match in the neighbourhood, something that I couldn’t do before having the electric scooter donated by our Australian brothers and sisters”.

Another recipient explained his feeling by saying that “I have regained my dignity and my freedom as I am no longer bound to my bed”.

In one outstanding story, one recipient started a small workshop to repair faulty or broken scooter and replace parts and has become an expert in this type of work. This has become later a successful business where he started to create income for himself and his family.

For many others of Ayady’s clients, having a scooter enabled them to become more active physically and to become mobile. As one recipient indicated “I feel energetic and independent and having a scooter provided me with the opportunity to move around and to have time to myself and to connect with my friends”.

These stories are clear testimony of the huge social, mental and physical positive impact of Ayady’s work for the recipients, their families and the wider community.

Another recipient joined the Ayady team in Iraq and volunteered to assist others in the community.

Research in this field has clearly indicated that to be connected and to be active are crucial elements of healthy wellbeing and healthy life style.


Ayady’s “Electric Scooter” project has been acknowledged widely in Iraq by recipients and their families and became well known amongst the wider community and within the NGO and charity sector in Iraq. The project has been always known and referred to as the Australian community contribution to the survivors of war and violence in Iraq.

All promotional materials for the project, including a permanent label on each scooter, indicate that the project is fully funded through generous donations from the Iraqi community in Australia.

Ayady’s “scooter project” is in line with Australia’s contribution towards rebuilding Iraq and to provide support to the Iraqi people.

Numerous numbers of scooters’ recipients expressed gratitude and thankfulness to Australia and the Australian community and acknowledged they now have different attitudes towards Australia!

One recipient was quoted saying “Only now I have realised how the Australian community is generous”!

For further stories, pictures and videos, with English translations, are available here.

Ayady in dot points