Ayady’s team in Iraq have monitored the social impact of their work for the client group they served. The social, mental and physical benefits for the recipients of Ayady’s electric scooters are in fact immeasurable, and this was demonstrated by feedback messages from beneficiaries.

There are several stories which have been documented which clearly indicated that Ayady’s work in Iraq have transformed the lives of many of the recipients of the electronic scooters from totally dependent persons to become independent productive individuals.

For many of the recipients having a scooter have enabled them to break the cycle of their social isolation that they have experienced as a result of their injuries and to become active participants in their local communities. Many of the recipients have become more connected with who is important in their daily lives than before.

Happiness for the family

The Happy boy http://ayadyhelpinghands.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/School-website.mp4 Translation: Since five or six months, this scooter has changed my whole life. I use it to go to school. It helped me save all the money I pay to taxis. I’m so grateful to the Iraqi community in Australia for this scooter. It helped me go out and meet all … Continue reading Happiness for the family

This scooter has changed my whole life

Hussein’s story in couple of words! -              Hussein suffers severe lower limbs disability that restricts his mobility -              He was interviewed and assessed by Ayady’s workers in Iraq -              Hussein received a scooter from Ayady -              He is now able to move, go out, socialize and even work -              He uses the scooter for chickens' … Continue reading This scooter has changed my whole life

Time to time

From time to time, the brothers who have sacrificed their bodies for the sake of the country, are greeted by members of AYADY, to grant them a small portion of their rights and what they truly deserve. The splendor of their work and the joy of the heroes cannot be accurately described in words. We … Continue reading Time to time

Eid Mubarak

The AYADY team would like to wish our brothers and sisters of special needs, and the extended community, a Eid Mubarak. This photo captures our brother using his mobility scooter at Masjid AlKufa.

Happiness on the face

AYADY Helping Hands Australia continues its journey into Iraq, distributing mobility scooters for those of special needs. We ask for your patience with us as we try to connect and provide support to as many people as we can. We thank those who make this possible with their time and continuous effort.

Ibrahim 16 years old

Meet 16 year old Ibrahim. Ibrahim's late father was martyred in 2005 whilst on a trip to Karbala, falling victim of a terror attack when Ibrahim was just 3 years old. His wife and 2 children were left behind. Ibrahim's uncle was also martyred in 2015. AYADY Helping Hands has provided Ibrahim, who was born … Continue reading Ibrahim 16 years old

father of 10 girls

As'ad Kathom, a father of 10 girls, sits on the highway, hoping to sell tomatoes and earn a living. The mobility scooter, raised by the community in Australia, has enabled As'ad to continue to work and provide for his family. He extends his gratitude to the community for providing him with this scooter and for … Continue reading father of 10 girls

I am free

A message from a brother who has received a mobility scooter from AYADY: "Thank you Australia, Today I am out by the river, with total reliance on myself. I can see the beauty in life. I can hold onto my dreams. I am able to write. I am able to live my dreams. I can … Continue reading I am free

As one recipient indicated “having a scooter has enabled me to share a meal with my family and to go out to have a coffee with my friend in the local café’, something I missed for a long time.


Another recipient indicated that “I can now go outside my house to have a chat with my neighbour and to go to watch a local soccer match in the neighbourhood, something that I couldn’t do before having the electric scooter donated by our Australian brothers and sisters”.

For many others of Ayady’s clients, having a scooter enabled them to become more active physically and to become mobile. As one recipient indicated “I feel energetic and independent and having a scooter provided me with the opportunity to move around and to have time to myself and to connect with my friends”.


Another recipient explained his feeling by saying that “I have regained my dignity and my freedom as I am no longer bound to my bed”.

In one outstanding story, one recipient started a small workshop to repair faulty or broken scooter and replace parts and has become an expert in this type of work. This has become later a successful business where he started to create income for himself and his family.


Another recipient joined the Ayady team in Iraq and volunteered to assist others in the community.

These stories are clear testimony of the huge social, mental and physical positive impact of Ayady’s work for the recipients, their families and the wider community.

Research in this field has clearly indicated that to be connected and to be active are crucial elements of healthy wellbeing and healthy life style.